Why do women get full sexual satisfaction

Compared to men, women's sexual life to be unhappy rates.
Even in love with a man's sex life is not happy with a lot of women. If you do not express the anger in the mind of many women's lives, many people can say that will not appear in the face of one's own sex life. But why is that? Why do so many women do not get a full sexual satisfaction or sexual life unhappy and unsatisfied?
Misconception and ignorance of the sexual life to remain the main cause of unhappiness. With the lack of adequate sex education. Sexuality is not only a means of procreation. It is a happy sexual life for both women and men. Lots of women are still ignorant about this matter. What to do or how they will become more colorful sexual intercourse. I do not know whether they remained unhappy and unsatisfied.

Not understanding yourself: What is the purpose? How does the body respond to any calls. No case sensitivity or sexual organs, etc. What are the needs of the body's own ignorance and lack understanding of the sexual life is a major cause of unhappiness.

Shame and hesitation: Many women think that women do not have sex talk, or talk to the girls about sexuality or sexual needs too ashamed to show it. So put down that they desire.

Male partner selfishness: Most men are not attentive to the needs of one's sexual partner. Our own needs satisfied, they began to behave like selfish. It is a major cause of discontent.

What is it like not to be able to say: you know your needs, but do not love yourself feeling unable to speak face to appear. It's a special reason behind the sexual life of women is insatiable. It is also the male partner is not happy sexual life that even he can not appear in the face of many women.

Constriction of physical and mental problems: There is sexually interested in any physical problems, or do you feel about sex. The majority of women who do not go to the doctor. As a result of their sexual life due to lack of treatment remains a little gruesome.

The fear surrounding sexuality: sexuality in the midst of a lot of different kinds of women are scared. As a result, they are not easy attitude about this issue can not. Rigor mortis issue remains forever.

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